Colors, Figures and Painting
The basic colors of FAM WEST knights' tents and mast tents is the color of the untreated cotton cloth. Not only tents, but also simple clothing, sacks and bags were made out of this cloth in the past.
In addition we offer our tents in colored models in the following combinations:
Natural + one color or two colors (only in 300 gr/m²).
0: natur
1: brick red(15%)
2: bordeaux(15%)
3: red
4: blue
5: yellow
6: turquoise
7: light green
8: dark green
9: black
10: biege
11: orange
12: white
13: brown
14: violett
15: grey
16: light grey
FARBEN - EDITOR für Ritterzelte
Möchten Sie sehen, wie Ihr künftiges Zelt aussehen wird ???
Testen Sie die farbige Kombination Ihres gewünschten Zeltes sofort selbst...
unser FARBEN - EDITOR ist fertig !!!
!!! Available right away and only at Fam West - patterned tent fabrics - absolutely unique !!!
Effective immediately you have the possibility of ordering the tent you desire with one of our fabric patterns in the color combination of your choice.
As many historical illustrations show, patterned fabrics were no exception in tent building. The color of your club or your own personal coat of arms can thus be displayed most effectively!
You now have a unique opportunity to give your tent an unmistakeably personal touch.
To design your own color combination click on one of the patterns.
You can choose for your Tent one of the four different scallopes without additional costs.
If you don't specify one, the scallop "A" will be made as a standard.
You can download a sample pattern and design your tent using, for example, a paint program (Windows accessory) and a color function. We try to meet all the wishes of our customers. You have the option, for example, of outlining the battlements in color in order to enhance the structure.
Zde ke stažení!
Sample pattern as Bitmap (bmp for pro Win)Sample pattern as Bitmap (bmp for Mac)

Interesting painting gives your tent
true courtly authenticity
Examples of colour variations
The colors of BavariaColorful bird:
By availability of colorsBlack & Natural:
wall black/natural
roof blackBlack-red:
Walls black/natural, roof blackGermania:
"Deutschland, Deutschland, über alles..."Turquoise & Blue:
Evenly stripedBurgundy/natural:
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