Pantheon Wigwam
Our Pantheon is a half-dome with a smoke hole in the middle which can be closed when necessary (i.e. with heavy rains). The tent offers the maximum amount of space via its half-dome shape, but is still brilliantly simple and wind-proof. A perfect tent for a summer camp - a real alternative to the teepee.
an ingenious campfire tent in the style of a real Mongolian yurt or an Indian wigwam.

Dome shaped habitations are found with many native people from Asia, to North and South America to Africa.

The association to the world-famous Roman Pantheon temple comes automatically. A tent which no one else has.
- Planta: circular
- Tamaño: Ø430cm; Ø600cm;
- Altura central: 215cm; 300cm; 485cm
- Variaciónes: Natural, Natural + Color, dos colores, Natural de tela gruesa, Tejido mezcla
- La tienda
- La rueda de techo de madera maciza
- Cubretecho
- Listónes de madera de fresno flexibles
- Abrazaderas metálicas (Clavijas de acero disponibles a coste adicional)
- Clavijas pequeñas de madera
- Tensores
- Cuerdas
- Sacos de transporte